give a munificent donation 意味

  • 惜しみなく寄付{きふ}する


        munificent:    {形} : 気前{きまえ}の良い、惜しみなく与える -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】mju:ni'fэs(э)nt、【分節】mu?nif?i?cent
        give someone a donation directly:    直接{ちょくせつ}(人)に寄付(金){きふ(きん)}を渡す
        donation:     donation n. 寄付, 寄付金, 義援金. 【動詞+】 collect donations for a disaster fund 災害援助資金のために寄付を集める He has given a donation of 1 million dollars to the fund for building the new public library. 新しい
        munificent gift:    豪勢な贈り物
        munificent pay:    気前{きまえ}の良い給料{きゅうりょう}
        munificent sum of money:    気前の良い金額{きんがく}
        accept a donation of:    ~を寄付{きふ}として受け入れる
        accrued donation:    未払寄付金{みはらい きふきん}
        ample donation:    十分{じゅうぶん}な寄付{きふ}
        back donation:    逆供与{ぎゃく きょうよ}
        blood donation:    blood donation 献血 けんけつ
        body donation:    献体{けんたい}
        campaign donation:    運動{うんどう}に対する寄付{きふ}
        cash donation:    現金{げんきん}による寄付{きふ}
        charitable donation:    慈善{じぜん}のための寄付{きふ}


  1. "give a more complete explanation" 意味
  2. "give a more detailed explanation" 意味
  3. "give a morphine injection" 意味
  4. "give a mother more time with her child" 意味
  5. "give a moving performance in the role of a deaf girl" 意味
  6. "give a murmur of consent" 意味
  7. "give a name" 意味
  8. "give a name and face to terrorism" 意味
  9. "give a name to" 意味
  10. "give a mother more time with her child" 意味
  11. "give a moving performance in the role of a deaf girl" 意味
  12. "give a murmur of consent" 意味
  13. "give a name" 意味

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